It’s been a long time coming but we are happy to say that the renovation of the Central Library is officially underway. Now that our library services have been relocated to the large meeting room on the second floor the contractors have been able to get into the building and start their prep work. We’ve been told that the official term for this is the “demolition phase.” Although the term demolition evokes images of Wile E. Coyote pushing the plunger down on a box labeled “TNT” we’ve been assured that the process is a bit more technical than that.
Over the next few weeks, the crew here will be focused on removing all of the things inside the building that need to go, including ceiling tiles and old shelving, so that the construction phase can begin. If you manage a peek inside the 1st-floor on the way up to the 2nd-floor library, you’re likely to see the progress already made. The 1st-floor is a bit of a mess, but don’t worry, that’s how these things go.
For us here at the library, we’re trying to keep it business as usual as much as possible. We have our core services here at Central moved to the second floor and some staff have relocated to other branches to help accommodate our expanded renovation service hours at those locations. We know that the disruptions at the Central Library can be both stressful and inconvenient so we appreciate your patience and understanding during this process!
© 2020 Caroline County Public Library